Its pong what can I say
Mouse mode on hard is too easy. And you should animate the background and make it trippy. Add different game modes like 2 player or co op. And optimize your music you can lower the file size greatly. Goodluck
Its pong what can I say
Mouse mode on hard is too easy. And you should animate the background and make it trippy. Add different game modes like 2 player or co op. And optimize your music you can lower the file size greatly. Goodluck
as i said to the last guy, i have tried animating the background but it went all wrong, maybe in version 3 i might be able to get it to work
I dont know why but i really liked it. Good format. Glad to see some new games that arnt in many tuts. And o man tetris was hard to make. But yeah good job. Hope to see more from you.
Thanks buddy. Heh. I was trying to write a game with only actionscript :P.
Thats probly the best or one of the best mouse maze games I have played. It was pretty good. Only thing is i had some lag so i had to go low quality. Only suggestion would to of had more levels.
P.S. I like how you cant cheat that increases the quality of the game.
Yeah that has been a mian concen in most of the reviews.
Pretty good but...
Add some music with a on/off switch. And you need a anti cheat thing on there. I forgot the code now but I will pm you with it later.
I used to use
<EMBED src=transparent.swf type="text/html;
charset=iso-8859-1" quality="high" menu=false
bgcolor=#000000 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=30>
to hide the menu, but i cant edit the html on newgrounds,
if their is another way i will be more than gratefull if you would share your knowledge
OMG!!!! The driving script acually worked most tutorials the driving scrip just spins you in circles. And The other stuff was good too. ThankYou!
thanks how did you find my tutorial but thanks
Great idea
That was pretty good all it needs is some extra features. If you havent yet i say try soda constructor for some more ideas. I hope to see more improvements on this. Good Luck!
i tried but sodaconstructor wasnt working
Age 34, Male
Joined on 7/11/06